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K. C. D


Karnatak   Science College   Dharwad

Department of Botany was housed in Zoology building and later on was shifted to an independent building in the year 1951. The Post Graduate Course in Botany was also started in this Department. The Department is maintaining a good Library, which has rare books and Periodicals along with Lecture halls, Well-established Laboratories.


This Department has a very good collection of Herbaria nearing about 10,000 including the type specimens. It has a Good Museum, with preserved plant materials, dry specimens and several models. In the Botanical Garden variety of Ornamental, Medicinal, Timber and other plants have been introduced and are being well maintained. Rare endangered species like PSILOTUM and GUAICUM are maintained and nurtured by the Department.


I. Infrastructure Facilities :


No. of Lecture Halls, with the capacity of 50 each: 02

No. of Laboratories: 03

No. of Research Laboratory: 01

Independent Library with reference: 01

No. of store rooms: 02


II. Faculty :


No. of Teaching staff: 08

No. of Ph.D holders: 05

No. of Teachers working for their Ph.Ds: 01

No. of Non teaching staff: 11


Faculty Details:


Dr. B.S. Giriyappanavar: H.O.D

Dr. (Smt). Doris Singh

Dr. K. Kotresha

Dr. C. G. Patil

Dr. S.N. Agadi

Dr .K.P. Kolkar


III. Research Activities :


No. of Teachers actively involved in Research: 02

No. of Projects sanctioned: 01

(UGC Minor Research Project)

3. No. of Conferences attended: 04


Dr. K.Kotresha has published a book (Flora) on “ Flora of Gulbarga District” and “ Grasses of Dharwad”


IV. New Department started: Department of Genetics


It has been started in year 2000 and has taken 30 students and

is offered as one of the optional subjects for B.Sc. Course. Dr.C.G.

Patil is the Co-ordinator of the Genetics Department.


V. Academic Programmes:


The Department arranges Botanical tours which will be useful fo

the students to understand the subject better and Project works

are taken up by B.Sc Final   students and submitted at the end of

the year.


Departmental study circle arranges seminars, group discussions and Lectures by eminent scientists as part of the year round programme. Dr. K.Kotresha is the student Welfare Officer and NSS officer. Dr. K.P.Kolkar is the NSS officer.