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K. C. D


Karnatak   Science College   Dharwad

The Karnatak Science College Gymkhana is the most important organization which handles most of the extra curricular activities of the students. Each student of the college is a member of the Gymkhana. The object of the Gymkhana is to provide

opportunities to sports and cultural activities, to students to assume important responsibilities and authority in the conduct of sports and cultural activities. The Gymkhana also encourages social interaction among the students. Self-Government

enables students to enjoy the privilege of planning and managing their own affairs through selected student associates.

The Principal is President of the Gymkhana and a staff member nominated by the President will be the Vice-President. There will be chairman for all departments of Gymkhana, nominated by the President, from among the staff members. The President,

Vice-President, all chairmen and all student associates form the managing committee of the Gymkhana which governs as per Gymkhana Constitution. There are eleven departments in the Gymkhana each headed by a chairman and associated with a student associate (selected as per Gymkhana constitution).


These are : Cultural Activities, Indian Games Dept. Miscellany Dept. Foot Ball Dept. Volley ball and Basket ball Dept. Badminton and other Indoor games Dept. Tennis Dept. Cricket Dept. Hockey Dept. Debating and wall Paper Dept. and Reading Room Dept.

A badminton hall, a tennis court and large playground suitable for athletics, cricket, football etc, are part of the campus facilities. The Reading Room and Gymkhana office are housed in the Student Home. The miscellany department publishes college annual magazine entitled. 'Varnasaptaka', to which students contribute the articles. The Debating and Wallpaper department publishes thought provoking articles

and poems from the students regularly.