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K. C. D


This college is the only constituent college of Karnatak University, Dharwad imparting total quality education of pure sciences providing the curriculum in the basic sciences relevant to social needs. This has huge campus spread over 57 acres of land with eco-friendly atmosphere. This college was started on 20th June 1917 under the name of Karnatak College by the dedicated educationists of this part namely Late Shri. Diwan Bahadur Srinivas Rao Rodda, Late Sri. Rao Bahadur Rudragouda Artal, Late Shri. M.B.Chobal and Sir Siddappa Kamble to provide an opportunity to the students of this parrt to learn and develop scientific temperament. The students of this college have been placed in the highest and honorable status in society in fields of medical, engineering, law, education, research etc.




Just, Equitable, Tranquil, Harmonious, social order with Scientific TempErament.




  • To enhance students ability to make them special and valued thereby creating experiences so surprisingly positive and memorable.

  • Providing variety of options for delivering dazzling science education to our students

  • To offer invigorating experiences in a way that builds rapport and create sustainable positive defining moments.

  • To inspire students to do what they say they will.

  • To help students to network with people who have common needs and interests to do something little extra.

  • Providing necessary infrastructure to generate a talented human resource pool, which will be useful to our society at large.

  • To transform students into sharp thinkers, writers, speakers and leaders in the professions of their choice.

  • To instill scientific temperament in younger generation.




  • Imparting education of pure Sciences.

  • Providing the curriculum relevant to societal needs.

  • Create awareness about developments in Science and Technology.

  • Sensitizing the global competencies among youth.

  • Inculcating a sense of National character contributing to National integration and development.

  • Creating pleasant environment to achieve excellence in academic, co-academic and extra curricular activities.

  • Establish MOU with neighboring industries.

  • Empowering students to take up challenging career opportunities.

  • Designing action plan for helping physically challenged persons, slow learners and students from rural background.

  • Encouraging girl students to face life challenges independently.

Karnatak   Science College   Dharwad

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