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K. C. D


Karnatak   Science College   Dharwad

Department of Chemistry was established in 1924 and is running a full-fledged Undergraduate courses in Science. It has large Class rooms, Laboratories and independent Library.


Infrastructure Facilities :


No. of Lecture Halls, with the capacity of 160 each: 03


No. of Laboratories: 04


No. of Research Laboratories: 02


Independent Library with reference books: 01


No. of store rooms: 02


No. of new instruments


          Refractometer: 01

          Single pan balances: 02


II       Faculty :


No. of Teaching staff: 14

No. of staff with Ph.D: 08

No. of Teachers working for their Ph.Ds: 02

No. of Non teaching staff: 06


Faculty Detail


Dr. V. H Arali: H.O.D

Prof. N.S. Bagade

Dr. (Mrs) M. S Salunke

Dr. (Mrs)G.M. Kulkarni

Dr. S.D. Dhumwad

Dr. V.A. Amminabhavi

Dr. S.M. Tuwar

Dr. O. Kotresh

Dr. C.M. Kamanavalli

Dr. K. Shivashankar

Dr. A.F. Doddamani


III. Research Activities :


No. of Teachers actively involved in Research: 05

No. of Projects sanctioned: 02

(UGC Minor Research Projects)

No. of projects applied for sanction: 01

(Submitted to DST under “Women Scientist Scheme)

No. of Publications: 35

No. of Conferences attended


                National: 05  

        International: 01


Interdisciplinary Research is done with Physics Department. (P.G. Dept.) on X-Ray diffraction studies and Pharmacy Department for biological evaluation of compounds.



IV. New course started: Biotechnology


It has been started in year 2002 as one of the optional subjects

offered for B.Sc. Course.


V.  Academic Programmes:

Regular field trips and study tours are conducted every year.    During the tenure, different industries and institutions are visited. This enables the student to go beyond the four walls and acquire wide spread knowledge and exposure.


Seminars and group discussions are conducted every week.


Some of the students are trained for Kishore Vaignanic  

Protsahana Yojana (KVPY) conducted by Indian Institute of

Science Bangalore (I.I.Sc.) and summer training camps  

conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.Ts.) and

   Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advancement in research Jakkur.