Degree Admissions
Karnatak Science College Dharwad
Rules and Regulatons, Course of Study, Admission procedure and scheme of examination for B.Sc. (Semester System) course.
Karnatak University has introduced semester system for B.Sc. students to make their education to go hand in hand with the prevailing social, cultural, economic and technological environment. The courses are designed based on the needs of society in general and the economy in particular.
Rules and Regulations
a) Eligibility for admission:
1) A candidate who has passed the two year Pre-University course (10+2) of the
2) Pre University Board in the state of Karnataka consisting of at least two science subjects as optionals or H.S.Sc. / C.B.Sc. / I.S.C.E. or any other course considered as equivalent thereto by the university shall be eligible for admission to B.Sc. degree course.
3) A candidate for B.Sc. degree offer at least two of the optional subjects, which he / she offered at the pre university.
4) A candidate offering Physics as an optional subject in B.Sc. degree course should have studied Mathematics at the Pre-University course.
5) A candidate offering Statistics as an optional subject in the degree course should have studied statistics or mathematics at the Pre-University course.
6) A candidate offering Genetics, Biotechnology, Microbiology, and Industrial Fisheries as optional subjects at the B.Sc. degree course should have studied Biology subject ct at the Pre-University course.
Note: Students from outside Karnatak state seeking admission to B.Sc. sem I should submit Eligibility Certificate from K.U. Dharwad (Original & two attested xerox copies) along with the application form.
c) Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction and examination shall be in English.
d) Subject of Study: Subjects of study shall comprise of three groups.
Group –I Languages
Kannada, English and Modern Indian Languages (MIL), which includes Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Ad. English, Marathi, Foreign Language.
Group – II Optional / Compulsory subjects
(any three subjects of equal importance)
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Statistics, Electronics, Computer Science, Anthropology Microbiology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Geology, Geography, Forensic Science & Criminology, Industrial Fisheries (Vocational)
Group – III General Studies (common for all courses)
Sem I - Indian Constitution
Sem II - HumanRights Development & Environment Studies
Sem.III - Personality Development & Communication Skills
Sem. IV - Computer Applications
f) Attendance:
A student shall be required to attend lectures, seminars, practicals etc. not less than 75% of the total number of classes actually held in each semester to be eligible for appearing at the examination.
If the student represents his/ her institution / University / Karnataka state / nation in sports/NCC/NSS/Cultural or any other officially sponsored activities,he / she shall be permitted to claim attendance for actual number of days participated, subject to a maximum of 20 days in a semester based on the recommendation of the Head of the institution concerned.
g) Transfer of admission:
Transfer of admission is permissible for one college to another college within the jurisdiction of the University and also from one University to another University within the state.
1. B.Sc.
Physics Chemistry Mathematics (PCM)
Physics Mathematics Statistics (PMS)
Physics Mathematics Electronics (PME)
Physics Mathematics Computer Sc. (PMCs.)
Physic Mathematics Forensic Sc. (PMFSc.)
Mathematics Statistics Computer Sc. (MSCs.)
Physics Mathematics Geology (PMGeo)
Zoology Forensic Sc. Anthropology (ZFSc.Anth)
Chemistry Botany Zoology (CBZ)
Chemistry Geology Geography (CGeoGeog)
Chemistry Botany Geology (CBGeo)
Chemistry Zoology Ind.Fisheries (CZIf.)
Chemistry Botany Ind.Fisheries (CBIf)
Chemistry Bio-technology Ind.Fisheries (CBiotechIf.)
Chemistry Bio-technology Botany (CBBiotech)
Chemistry Bio-technology Zoology (CZBiotech)
Chemistry Zoology Microbiology (CZMicro)
Chemistry Botany Microbiology (CBMicro)
Chemistry Zoology Genetics (CZGen)
Chemistry Botany Genetics (CBGen)
Chemistry Forensic Sc. Botany (CFScB)
Chemistry Forensic Sc. Zoology (CFScZ)
Botany Zoology Geology (BZGeo)
Forensic Sc. Anthropology Geography (FscAnthGeog)
Forensic Sc. Mathematics Computer Sc. (FSc.MCs.)
Geology Mathematics Computer Sc. (GeoMCSc.)
Geology Geography Anthropology (GeoGeogAnth)
Subject Combinations for B.Sc. Course
Admission Procedure for B.Sc. Course
Every year notification is given in leading newspapers calling for applications for admissions. The candidate has to apply for the admission in the prescribed form. The list of candidate to be admitted will be notified on the College Notice Board and no separate intimation is given to the candidate. Selection list will be prepared based purely on Merit cum Reservation as per the University rules. Admissions will be confirmed only if the candidate pays the prescribed fees within three days of the notification, failing which the applicants lose their seats, which will be allotted to other deserving candidates.
2. B.Sc. Computer Science
Structure of the Course:
1. The duration of B.Sc.(Comp. Sc.) Course is for three years (6 semesters )
2. Each semester will consists of 16 weeks and minimum of 90 working days.
3. Each semester shall contain five theory papers and two practicals.
4. Each student has to do Project Work spread over 5th and 6th semesters, carrying one or two courses respectively.
Eligibility for Admission:
Candidates securing minimum of 35% (for SC/ST and Cat-I 35%) at PUC II Year Science or equivalent, are eligible for admission to this course.
Admission Procedure:
1. Through an entrance test of duration of 2 hours and 100 marks.
2. 50% weightage for entrance test.
3. 50% of weightage for PUC II or equivalent examination.
4. Admission is made as per reservation policy of Government of Karnataka.
5. 50 candidates will be admitted to this course, out of which 14 candidates will be admitted on self –financing basis.
3. Bachelor of Computer Application
Structure of the Course:
The course shall be of three years duration spread over six semesters. Each semester shall be of sixteen weeks duration. Every semester shall have five theory papers (4 hours teaching + 1 hour tutorial per paper per week) and two practical.
(6 hours/week/lab course)
50 candidates will be admitted to this course for every academic year, out of which 14 candidates will be admitted on self-financing basis.
Admission Procedure:
The candidates who have secured minimum 35% in PUC II year Science / Commerce / JODC in ComputerSc., who have studied Maths / Statistics and Diploma in Computer Sc. Are eligible to apply for this course. For the SC/ST/C-I candidates, the minimum score shall be 35%. Admission is made as per reservation policy of Government of Karnataka.
The College will conduct an entrance test for 100 marks (and objective type of questions – 20 marks in General English and 80 in PUC Mathematics I & II ) for admission to BCA course.
1. The candidate shall be rated for a total of 100 marks.
2. Merit list shall be prepared with 50% weightage to Entrance test performance and 50% weightage to performance at the qualifying examination.