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K. C. D

Health Center

Karnatak   Science College   Dharwad

The Health Center of Karnatak Science College was started in the year 1989.  It is working since 14 years. The Health Center looks after the health of Students, Teaching Staff, Non – teaching Staff and also the dependents of staff. Each day about 70-80 patients are treated at the health center.


Services provided by Health Center :


The health center provides complete health package including consultation, investigation, treatment-preventive and curative. Health Center supplies medicines   ( Drugs ) free of cost to the Students, Staff, Teaching and Non-teaching and to their dependents on outpatient basis.


The health center works nearly 5 hours a day from 9.00 A.M –

12.00 Noon and 4.00 P.M to 6.00 P.M every day.


Facilities Available at health center :


The Health Center is full fledged with the following facilities.

Computerized ECG machine. Electronic Blood sugar estimation Machine Electronic Blood Cholesterol / Triglyceride Estimation Machine. Electronic urine Analyzers with complete urine analysis having 11 parameters.


              " Above investigations are made free of cost. "


Vaccination  : This center vaccinates the Students, Staff and their

dependents against Hepatitis–B, Typhoid , Cholera during



The health center conducts the medical examination of the

students who have enrolled for NCC by the 24 KAR BN NCC.


Emergency Service : Emergency Services are provided to the

Students, Staff and their dependents by the efficient staff of the



Specialist Services : Every Monday a lady Doctor visits our health

center from KU health Center to give Medical aid to ladies.

Dermatology and other complicated Cases are referred to KU

Health Center to consult specialists.


Staff Working at Health Center :


A Medical Officer Pharmacist Staff Nurse Attender