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K. C. D

Pre-University Admissions

Karnatak   Science College   Dharwad



Rules and Regulations


  a) Eligibility for Admission: Candidates who have passed the following minimum educational qualification shall be eligible for admission to the Karnataka Two Year Pre-University Course. They should have passed-


i) The Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination. OR Any other examination recognized by the Dept. of Pre-University Education, Karnataka.


ii) Candidates coming from outside the country shall be admitted to the course only on the production of a provisional eligibility certificate issued by the department. They should obtain such a certificate from the Director, Department of P.U.Education on application, enclosing a photostat copy (duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) of the passing certificate obtained at the qualifying examination.


iii) To get Admission to PUC II: the candidate should have passed PUC I Science     Examination from any college in the Karnataka State recognized by the    Board of Pre-University Education, Banglore OR Any other examination recognized by the PUE Board, Banglore as   equivalent to PUC I. 

iv) As per the guidelines issued by P.U.Board Transfer to local college is prohibited.


b) Length of the Course: The course shall be spread over a period of two academic years.


c) Medium of Instructions: The medium of instruction and examination in the two year P.U.C. shall be Kannada or English. Candidates may, at their option, answer the examination in Kannada or English, provided that they indicate the medium of their option in their application for the admission and examination.


d) Courses of Study: The course of study leading to the Two Years P.U.C. examination shall comprise of Part – I and Part – II. The candidate shall select under Part – I any two languages taught in the college, one of which should be English. The candidate shall select under Part – II one combination of four subjects taught in the college.


e)  Attendance: A candidate shall be considered to have completed the First / Second year of the P.U.C. if candidate has attended 75% of the number of actual working hours in each of the subjects during the year.


f) Criteria for passing:


  i.  In all the Theory subjects minimum of 27 marks out of 90 must be obtained.


  ii. All those who obtain a minimum of 30% in paper and 35% in the aggregate (i.e. in Part – I a student should get a minimum 70 marks & in Part – II should get minimum 140 marks) in the annual examination shall be declared as promoted.


g) Announcement of Results: The result of I Year PUC examination shall be declared on 10th April every year. After obtaining approval from the Deputy Director, P.U. Board, Dharwad District.


Courses of Study


Part – I: The candidate may opt any two of the following languages of which one should be English.


                  1) English

                  2) Kannada

                  3) Sanskrit  

                  4) Hindi

                  5) Marathi  

                6) Urdu

                  7) French


Part – II: The candidate may opt any one of the following combination.


                  a) Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology.

                  b) Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics.

                  c) Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology.


The course of study leading to the PUC – II examination shall comprise of the same subjects offered and passed at PUC- I.


Note: There is no provision to admit the repeaters for the same class in which they have failed.


Admission Procedure


Every year notification is given in leading newspapers calling for applications for admissions. The candidate has to apply for the admission in the prescribed form. The list of candidate to be admitted will be notified on the College Notice Board and no separate intimation is given to the candidate. Selection list will be prepared based purely on Merit cum Reservation as per the PUE Board / University rules. Admissions will be confirmed only if the candidate pays the prescribed fees within three days of the notification. failing which the applicants lose their seats, which will be allotted to other deserving candidates.


The candidate should submit the following attested certificates along with the application form.


1. School Leaving certificate / Transfer certificate – 3 copies.

2. SSLC marks card - 3 copies

3. Caste and Income certificate to claim reservation and fee concession – 3copies.




Ø The candidate should produce original school leaving certificate at the time admission to PUC – I, otherwise their admission will be cancelled without further notice.


Ø Candidate other than SSLC Board of Karnataka should produce original migration and eligibility certificate at the time of admission.


Ø Candidate who is physically disabled with disability percentage between 40 and 75 and claming reservation under this category should produce attested copy of Physically handicapped Certificate.


Scheme of Examination


There shall be a District level annual examination at the end of First Year Pre-University course, in addition to two quarterly tests and a mid-term examination. First and Second quarterly test examinations will be in the third week of August and first week of February respectively having one-hour duration and carrying 30 marks. Mid-term examination will be in the first week of December having three-hour duration and carrying 90 marks. College will conduct practical examination for PUC I class in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which carries 10 marks.

For PUC II PU Board will conduct theory and practical examinations.


General Instructions to Students


1. Students are informed to submit the fees remittance challan to the admission committee on the day of remittance of money into the bank, failing which their admission in the college is not confirmed.


2. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.


3. If the student desires to discontinue his studies at PUC I year or II year in this College, he should inform the Principal in writing. He also should apply for the refund of their caution money and hostel deposits (if any) submitting the stamped vouchers before the end of October of that particular year. Otherwise their caution money and deposit will lapse.


4. Students coming from other colleges should ensure that they shall get the prior permission from PUE Board, Banglore, their transfer certificate is received at this office before the month of October by enquiring in the office about the receipt of their transfer certificate. If Transfer Certificate is not received they will not be permitted to fill in the Examination Forms. They should make arrangements for the receipt of transfer certificate well in time.


5. The students of P.U.C. II year are required to continue the same subjects, which they opt at P.U.C. I year.       


6. Each student is required to get his/her identity card signed by the Principal immediately after notification of roll numbers duly writing both admission and roll numbers before the end of August.


7. The students are required to bring their identity cards every day and should show it to the college staff whenever demanded.


8. Students are required to bring their identity cards and hall tickets at the time of all examinations.


9. The students should retain their identity cards with them even after leaving the college as presentation of identity cards is essential for obtaining certificates, scholarship amount, caution money etc.


10. If the student loses his/her identity card he/she has to apply for the issue of duplicate identity card by paying a fee of Rs.50/- and explaining the circumstances of loss of identity card.


11. Every student is required to keep a minimum of 80% attendance in both Theory and Practical in all subjects. The college will be notifying periodically the students who fall short of attendance so as to enable them to improve their attendance, even after this if the student fails to improve his/her attendance, and does not keep the required attendance, his admission may be cancelled and he may not be permitted to fill his/her examination form. It may be withdrawn due to lack of attendance.   


12. The students, who are required to participate in the activities of the college such as debates, exhibitions, sports, meetings etc., are required to submit an application through the concerned staff and get prior permission from the Principal for condoning their absence.


13. The students are required to attend all tests, seminars, practical and theory examinations to be conducted by the college. If the student remains absent without valid reasons and without obtaining the prior permission of the Principal they will be liable for fine and disciplinary action.


14. If the students are likely to remain absent due to unavoidable reasons, they are informed to submit an application duly endorsed by their parents/ guardians explaining the causes. No benefit of condoning will be given for giving medical certificates. Medical certificates should be submitted at the time of illness and not after recovery.


15. All applications for fee concessions, scholarships, freeships, prizes etc., should be submitted with necessary documents such as Caste Certificates, Income Certificates, affidavits, true copies of marks card etc., before the last day fixed. If the applications with necessary documents are received late, such applications will not be forwarded and the concerned students are liable for payment of all fees due to the college. No excuse will be entertained in this regard.


16. All the extra-curricular activities such as sports, debates, general functions, etc. will be conducted by the College Council which consists of College Forum and Gymkhana Departments. These bodies would be meeting periodically to chalk out the programmes. The students are required to send their suggestions through the student representatives or through the members of staff, so that the functions will be meaningful and useful to the students.


17. The curricular activities such as seminars, symposia, lectures by experts etc. will be organized through the subject Study Circles, which cater to the needs of respective students.


18. Chief Editor will look after the College Miscellany. The students are informed to contribute articles on Science and General topics. They are also requested to send their suggestions for the improvement of the Miscellany directly to the Editor.

19. Student representatives will be nominated by the committee constituted by the Principal. There will be no Election to the College Gymkhana Departments and Academic Associations.


20. Students are informed not to move in the corridors and disturb other classes. If they do not have classes they are advised to be either in the Library or in the Student’s Home.


21. The students are informed to maintain perfect discipline in the College campus.


22. The students are advised to be in constant touch with the Students Welfare Officer / other members of staff for any of their difficulties.


23. The students are requested to co-operate with the college authorities in maintaining the campus clean.


24. The students are requested to participate actively in all activities of the college.


25. The students must obtain prior permission of the Principal before publishing and supply information to the press or any other agency in connection with the college. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action against them.­­­­­­­­­